Tampa Lifestyle Management Co. 

We take the mental load off your plate so you can get back to living.

At Lifestyle Management Co.™, we’re here to help you kick chaos to the curb and live your best life.

Meet The Person In Charge Of Calming Your Chaos


Tampa Location Owner

Meet Selena Stamm, the heart and soul behind Tampa Lifestyle Management Co.

For the past 19 years, Selena has been a proud military spouse, navigating the unique challenges and triumphs of military life. Her family is stationed at MacDill AFB in the Tampa Bay area, where they have become an integral part of the military community, always finding ways to give back and support fellow service members and their families.

Selena’s journey from being a realtor to owning a Lifestyle Management Co. was more than just a career change; it was a heartfelt response to a growing need she saw in her community.

During her twelve years in real estate, Selena formed close bonds with countless families and professionals. She saw firsthand how juggling work, family, and personal commitments could be overwhelming.

Driven by a genuine desire to help, Selena had her “aha” moment – why not provide more hands-on support to her community? That’s when she decided to open Tampa Lifestyle Management Co., a place where she could offer a helping hand and a friendly smile to those who needed it.

Selena’s mission goes beyond business. She’s all about making real connections and fostering a warm, welcoming atmosphere. Each day, she wakes up excited to spread a little sunshine and bring balance to the lives of everyone she works with at Tampa LMC. Whether you’re a busy professional or a fellow military family, Selena is here to make your life much easier and more enjoyable.


Relax and Take Your Lifestyle Back

Lifestyle Management Co.™ is an award-winning personal assisting and lifestyle management firm.

Over the past 12 years, we’ve worked with hundreds of clients to take their lifestyles back. From overloaded families to busy professionals, we focus on helping you live the life you desire and deserve.


over-scheduled families

Increase in Client Satisfaction with Our Lifestyle Management Services



overwhelmed & need a break

Reduction in Stress Levels through our Personalized Assistance



plate-spinning professionals

Experience the Benefits of Lifestyle Management Today

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Recognized by Industry Leaders for Exceptional Lifestyle Management Services