They’re Not Too Little! Simple Household Chores Your Kids Can Try!

Children can learn a lot from doing household chores. Involving children in household chores can help develop a sense of responsibility, and encourage key developmental skills that they will need as they grow older!

But, we would argue that all chores need to be age-appropriate! As your child grows older, you can introduce new tasks that they can help with. If you’re looking for ideas and inspiration, read ahead!

For Toddlers:

  • Put toys away
  • Put books away


  • Set placemats on the table
  • Help with groceries, where possible
  • Help get school clothes laid out ready

School children

  • Vacuum 
  • Help with feeding pets
  • Help with watering plants
  • Help with meal prep 
  • Help with post-meal cleanup

Obviously, each family is different! If you want to do different chores, more chores, or no chores at all – it’s all up to you!